Suggestions for hang
The following packages have something in common with the package hang. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- spacingtricks: Addressing various spacing issues
- asciilist: Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
- multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists
- eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation
- outline: List environment for making outlines
- revnum: Reverse enumerate
- desclist: Extended “description” lists
- etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment
- paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
- shortlst: Compact lists by running several items per line
- iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
- outlines: Produce "outline" lists
- sitem: Save the optional argument of \item
- labels4easylist: Add reference labels to easylist items
- easylist: Lists using a single active character
- lazylist: Lists in TeX’s “mouth”
- enumitem: Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
- engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
- tasks: Horizontally columned lists
- booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets
- chet: LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac
- emptypage: Make empty pages really empty
- fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
- hanging: Hanging paragraphs
- layaureo: A package to improve the A4 page layout
- midpage: Environment for vertical centring
- needspace: Insert pagebreak if not enough space
- pageno: Page number-only page styles
- rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards
- semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout
- savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document