Suggestions for greekctr
The following packages have something in common with the package greekctr. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- grnumalt: Ancient Greek (Athenian) numbers
- jknappen: Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
- holtpolt: Typeset Maxwell's non-commutative division
- parboxx: Two extra alignment options for \parbox
- semtrans: Transliteration of semitic languages
- sgmlcmpt: Suppport for LaTeX formulae as SGML PCDATA
- smartmn: Make hyphens print as minus signs where appropriate
- tccompat: Provide compatibility names for textcomp.sty
- latin1jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-1 use
- latin3jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-3 use
- latin2jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-2 use
- mathbbol: Use the bbold fonts in mathematics
- sans: Exchange Roman and Sans faces in a document
- young: Young tableaux
- makebase: Typeset counters in a different base
- bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
- cntformats: A different way to read counters
- fnumprint: Print a number in ‘appropriate’ format
- comma: Formats a number by inserting commas
- fancynum: Typeset numbers
- numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
- modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
- nbaseprt: Print numbers in non-decimal bases
- numname: Convert a number to its English expression
- romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
- ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
- zahl2string: Format numbers as German words
- sepnum: Print numbers in a "friendly" format
- ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode
- numnameru: Converts a number to the russian spelled out name
- padcount: Pad numbers with arbitrary characters