Suggestions for floatflt
The following packages have something in common with the package floatflt. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- wrapstuff: Wrapping text around stuff
- cutwin: Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
- wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around
- wrapfig2: Wrap text around figures
- shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
- floatfig: Deprecated: Allows text to be wrapped around figures
- figflow: Flow text around a figure
- window: Create windows in paragraphs
- picinpar: Insert pictures into paragraphs
- picins: Insert pictures into paragraphs
- insbox: Insert pictures/boxes into paragraphs
- prisma-flow-diagram: This package provides an abstraction for creating PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams in LaTeX
- nassflow: Drawing Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams and flowcharts
- struktex: Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts
- getargs: A flexible list-parsing macro with configurable parsing character
- lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics
- psfrag: Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
- pinlabel: A TeX labelling package
- psfragx: A psfrag eXtension
- tagpair: Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions
- textgreek: Upright greek letters in text
- twemojis: Use Twitter’s open source emojis through LaTeX commands
- gensymb: Generic symbols for both text and math mode
- hwemoji: Unicode emoji support for pdfLaTeX with sequences
- gradient-text: Decorate text with linear gradient colors
- emf: Support for the EMF symbol
- stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
- overpic: Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
- bxcoloremoji: Use color emojis more conveniently
- hep-text: List and text extensions
- getitems: Gathering items from a list-like environment