Suggestions for evenpage
The following packages have something in common with the package evenpage. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- notespages: Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
- fillpages: Fill up the page count to a certain number (e.g. divisible by 4)
- bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
- envmath: Maths commands and environments
- sobolev: Commands for dealing with Sobolev spaces (and relatives)
- accenti: Extra accented character macros, designed for Italian
- graphfig: Simpler graphic, subfigure and float
- mathcmd: Mathematics support commands
- quotes: Smart double quotes in LaTeX input
- dblfont: Blackboard bold font package
- gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
- romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
- fwlw: Get first and last words of a page
- nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents
- nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages
- pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents
- romanneg: Roman page numbers negative
- selectp: Select pages to be output
- thumb: Thumb marks in documents
- thumbs: Create thumb indexes
- titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page
- thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books
- underlin: Underlined running heads
- wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling
- clrdblpg: Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
- nccfancyhdr: Extensive control of page headers and footers
- duplicat: Make duplicate page numbers distinct
- onepagem: If the document has only one page, omit page number
- chappg: Page numbering by chapter
- continue: Prints ‘continuation’ marks on pages of multipage documents