Suggestions for eukleides
The following packages have something in common with the package eukleides. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- grapher: Create graphs, state machine and data flow diagrams
- graphbase: A platform for combinatorial algorithms
- xwpick: Pick an image from an X display
- epstool: Manipulate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
- metapost: A development of METAFONT for creating graphics
- epix: Utility for mathematically accurate, camera quality plots and line figures
- xfig: XWindows vector drawing program
- graphtex: Graphs theory and related diagrams in a TeX document
- pstex: Processor for including figures in LaTeX
- texsketch: A drawing package for OS/2
- xtexcad: Simple drawing program for LaTeX use
- asymptote: 2D and 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language
- gnuplot: General purpose plotting program
- latexcad: A CAD drawing package
- metaobj: METAPOST package providing high-level objects
- lgraph: A program to generate graphs
- ketcindy: Creating graphics for TeX using Cinderella
- bbfig: Calculate and print bounding box
- consdiag: A utility for OO programming documentation
- bm2ltx: Convert a bitmap image to LaTeX code
- hp2xx: HP GL converter
- pstoedit: Translate PostScript and PDF to other formats
- eps2pdf: A Win32 GUI EPS to PDF convertor
- fragmaster: Using psfrag with pdfLaTeX
- fastpictex: Simple specification of PiCTeX diagrams
- graphconv: Convert graph files to PSTricks
- mkpic: Perl interface to mfpic
- psfixbb: Correct the bounding box of a PostScript file
- psfragger: Use psfrag and LaTeX to label an eps file
- pbm2tex: Translate PBM format to LaTeX
- qfig: DOS graphics program