Suggestions for drawstack
The following packages have something in common with the package drawstack. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics
- bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
- bitfield: Draw bit field data structure diagrams (obsolete)
- membranecomputing: Membrane Computing notation
- register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
- bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- colonequals: Colon equals symbols
- termsim: Simulate Win10, Ubuntu, and Mac terminals
- csassignments: A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- sim-os-menus: Insert 'terminal' or 'context menu' or 'viewers' like in an OS
- csthm: Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- acmart: Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures
- miller: Typeset miller indices
- emo: Emoji for all (LaTeX engines)
- graphicscache: Cache includegraphics calls
- feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
- asyfig: Commands for using Asymptote figures
- titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document
- epsdice: A scalable dice "font"
- gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
- miniplot: A package for easy figure arrangement
- plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
- progressbar: Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar
- randbild: Marginal pictures
- easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures
- tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
- panneauxroute: Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
- flipbook: Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
- mpostinl: Embed METAPOST figures within LaTeX documents
- graphpap: For producing graph paper