Suggestions for Drawing-with-METAPOST
The following packages have something in common with the package Drawing-with-Metapost. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- mpman-ru: A Russian translation of the METAPOST manual
- voss-mathcol: Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX
- xypic-tut-pt: A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese
- mathalphabets: Chinese introduction to mathematical alphabets
- patgen2-tutorial: A tutorial on the use of Patgen 2
- metafp: Some Experiences in Running METAFONT and METAPOST
- install-latex-guide-zh-cn: A short introduction to LaTeX installation written in Chinese
- hershey-mp: METAPOST support for the Hershey font file format
- metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for METAPOST
- mparrows: METAPOST module with different types of arrow heads
- pdf-forms-tutorial: Tutorial on creating PDF forms using pdfLaTeX
- latex4musicians: A guide for combining LaTeX and music
- mp3d: 3D animations
- mpedit: METAPOST text editor for Win32
- suanpan: METAPOST macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
- testeq: An equality test for use in METAPOST
- metauml: METAPOST library for typesetting UML diagrams
- metago: METAPOST output of Go positions
- wordcloud: Drawing wordclouds with METAPOST and Lua
- mp-geom2d: Flat geometry with METAPOST
- mp-neuralnetwork: Drawing artificial neural networks with METAPOST and METAOBJ
- metapost-examples: Example drawings using METAPOST
- mpchess: Drawing chess boards and positions with METAPOST
- drawing: Simple drawings with METAFONT
- fontname: Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
- latex-hlp: A VMS help file for LaTeX 2.09
- ttf-howto: Using TrueType fonts with TeX systems
- webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing
- vf-howto: Tutorial on creating virtual fonts
- texproposal: A proposal prototype for LaTeX promotion in Chinese universities
- macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2ε macros