Suggestions for digestif
The following packages have something in common with the package digestif. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- autoview: Maintain a Ghostscript view of emacs buffer
- filehdr: Self-descriptions in file headers
- ite: Interactive TeX editor
- mewltx: MicroEmacs for Windows LaTeX interface
- ultratex: An emacs TeX mode with "lightning completion'
- brief-t: LaTeX support for the brief editor
- auctex: Emacs support files for TeX
- texlab: LaTeX Language Server
- texlipse: LaTeX plugin for Eclipse
- iso-tex: Display (La)TeX accented letters in GNU Emacs
- jlm: Jörg's LaTeX Mode - an advanced LaTeX mode for Jed
- latex4jed: A much enhanced LaTeX mode for the Jed editor
- npp-for-context: ConTeXt plugin for Notepad++
- preview-latex: Preview equations in Emacs
- ctanbib: Export CTAN entries to bib format
- texfindpkg: Query or install TeX packages and their dependencies
- ppmcheckpdf: Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build
- meta-mode: Emacs mode for METAFONT/post
- swiftex: Edit doc.sty and normal LaTeX files with GNU Emacs
- nedit-latex-extensions: The LaTeX-Mode is a set of macros for the NEdit text editor
- win32-emacs-auctex: Ready-to-use Emacs and AucTeX for Windows
- u8tex: Input Unicode characters in TeX notation, in emacs
- luahttp: Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
- luapackageloader: Allow LuaTeX to load external Lua packages
- pmxchords: Produce chord information to go with pmx output
- cluttex: An automation tool for running LaTeX
- wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts
- gurps: Typeset Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS) materials
- luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
- luabibentry: Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body
- plantuml: Support for rendering UML diagrams using PlantUML