Suggestions for cooking-units
The following packages have something in common with the package cooking-units. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- non-decimal-units: Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
- cooking: Typeset recipes
- lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units
- siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package
- units: Typeset units
- cookybooky: A LaTeX based package to easily typeset some professional looking cooking recipes
- cuisine: Typeset recipes
- recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes
- xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes
- recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes
- nicefrac: Typeset in-line fractions in a "nice" way
- isphysicalmath: Simple way to write nice formulas
- mensa-tex: Typeset simple school cafeteria menus
- recipebook: Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing
- menucard: Typesetting menu cards with LaTeX
- smartunits: Converting between common metric and Imperial units
- formula: Typesetting physical units
- unitsdef: Typesetting units in LaTeX
- currency: Format currencies in a consistent way
- cookingsymbols: Symbols for recipes
- physunits: Macros for commonly used physical units
- makecookbook: Make a Cookbook
- si: A comprehensive (SI) units package
- unitconv: Convert a length into one with another unit
- texdimens: Conversion of TeX dimensions to decimals
- tikz-cookingsymbols: Draw cooking symbols
- endiagram: Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
- substances: A database of chemicals
- enotez: Support for end-notes
- chemformula: Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
- erw-l3: Utilities based on LaTeX3