Suggestions for coloredtheorem
The following packages have something in common with the package coloredtheorem. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- boites: Boxes that may break across pages
- framed: Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
- mdframed: Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
- tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
- thmbox: Decorate theorem statements
- shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
- adjustbox: Graphics package-alike macros for “general” boxes
- longfbox: Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
- crbox: Boxes with crossed corners
- ghab: Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
- roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX
- shadbox: Shade the background of any box
- tram: Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX
- postit: A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes
- create-theorem: Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
- contour: Print a coloured contour around text
- creationboites: Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
- autobreak: Simple line breaking of long formulae
- thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments
- inkpaper: A mathematical paper template
- phfthm: Goodies for theorems and proofs
- ntheorem: Enhanced theorem environment
- nccthm: Another theorem environment
- newproof: Make commands to define proofs
- reptheorem: Repetition of theorem environments
- codebox: Highlighted source code in a fancy box
- framedsyntax: Typeset the syntax of commands and environments within coloured boxes
- thmlist: A LaTeX package for adding theorem environments quickly
- keytheorems: An l3keys interface to amsthm
- bidicontour: Bidi-aware coloured contour around text
- coolthms: Reference items in a theorem environment