Suggestions for color
The following packages have something in common with the package color. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- keyval: Process 'key=value' schemes
- trig: Simple trigonometric functions
- graphics-cfg: Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics
- graphicx: Enhanced support for graphics
- grfguide: LaTeX standard graphics and color packages documentation
- epsfig: Include Encapsulated PostScript in LaTeX documents
- graphics: Standard LaTeX graphics
- latex-graphics: The LaTeX standard graphics bundle
- lscape: Place selected parts of a document in landscape
- rotating: Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats
- latex-graphics-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
- xetex-def: Colour and graphics support for XeTeX
- domaincoloring: Draw colored represenations of complex functions
- coloredbelts: Insert colored belts in documents (to present skills, for example)
- amscd: AMS-LaTeX commutative diagrams
- mpcolornames: Extend list of predefined colour names for METAPOST
- coloring: Define missing colors by their names
- normalcolor: Changing \normalcolor
- colorweb: Extend the color package colour space
- colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours
- spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX
- svgcolor: Define SVG named colours
- latexcolors: Use color definitions from
- colorspace: Provides PDF color spaces
- pdfcol: Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
- opencolor: Definitions from the Open Color library
- tangocolors: Use colors from the Tango color palette
- colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light
- clrstrip: Place contents into a full width colour strip
- hycolor: Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
- palette: Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in