Suggestions for cm-unicode
The following packages have something in common with the package cm-unicode. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- cm-lgc: Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
- lm: Latin modern fonts in outline formats
- cyrillic-modern: Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- cmsrb: Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian
- gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
- roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
- gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
- dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
- cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
- newcomputermodern: Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
- paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
- umtypewriter: Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
- ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
- mlmodern: A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support
- plex-otf: Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
- notocondensed: Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts
- noto: Support for Noto fonts
- nimbus15: Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
- clara: A serif font family
- mpfonts: Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using METAPOST
- oldstandard: OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
- bera: Bera fonts
- linguisticspro: LinguisticsPro fonts with LaTeX support
- step: A free Times-like font
- cochineal: Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
- garamond-libre: The Garamond Libre font face
- kpfonts-otf: OTF version of the Kp-fonts
- tempora: Greek and Cyrillic to accompany Times
- libertinus-fonts: The Libertinus font family
- libertinus-type1: Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
- tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts