Suggestions for BXjalipsum
The following packages have something in common with the package BXjalipsum. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- bxbase: BX bundle base components
- bxghost: Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
- bxjaprnind: Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
- bxjatoucs: Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
- bxcjkjatype: Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
- bxwareki: Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
- bxjscls: Japanese document class collection for all major engines
- blindtext: Producing 'blind' text for testing
- plipsum: 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
- ptext: A ‘lipsum’ for Persian
- kurdishlipsum: A ‘lipsum’ package for the Kurdish language
- fistrum: Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
- duckuments: Create duckified dummy content
- lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
- zhlipsum: Chinese dummy text
- quran-ur: Urdu translations to the quran package
- quran-bn: Bengali translations to the quran package
- kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style
- hulipsum: Hungarian dummy text (Lórum ipse)
- quran: An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
- bxjaholiday: Support for Japanese holidays
- quran-de: German translations to the quran package
- quran-es: Spanish Translations for the quran package
- zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
- luatexja: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- plainpkg: A minimal method for making generic packages
- localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
- pdftexcmds: LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
- ltxcmds: Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
- collargs: Collect arguments of any command
- zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK