Suggestions for Birkhaeuser
The following packages have something in common with the package Birkhaeuser. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- prepr: Preprint macros
- mitpress: Typeset documents for MIT Press
- sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts
- emisa: A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
- biblatex-spbasic: A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer’s old spbasic.bst
- mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers
- bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher “Teubner Verlag”
- iaria-lite: Write documents for the IARIA publications
- iaria: Write documents for the IARIA publications
- pageframe: Page frames, grids, etc., for LaTeX 2.09
- acm: ACM document style
- acmproc: Style option for ACM proceedings
- acronym209: An algorithm package developed for LaTeX 2.09
- acs: LaTeX 2.09 support for Advances in Control Systems
- barkom: A package for bar charts in LaTeX
- bookform: LaTeX 2.08 style for MIL STD 490 documents
- espo: Customisation for Esperanto
- eslides: An option for article style to make slides
- exam209: Process exam questions and answers (LaTeX 2.09)
- epsfig209: Obsolete graphics inclusion macros
- envelope: Print envelopes
- floatfig: Deprecated: Allows text to be wrapped around figures
- ijc: International Journal of Control style
- iso209: A document style for ISO standards
- ibmres-tex: A semi-automated approach to the production of resumes
- lms: LaTeX 2.09 style for LMS journals
- laletter: Los Alamos letter style
- loval: Round-cornered framed boxes
- manual209: A document style for manuals
- manpage: Man pages in LaTeX
- systcontrolletters: Support for Systems and Control Letters