Suggestions for binhex
The following packages have something in common with the package binhex. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- arabic: Read a lower-case roman number
- nth: Generate English ordinal numbers
- tuple: Expandable operations for tuples of numbers
- makebase: Typeset counters in a different base
- bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
- cntformats: A different way to read counters
- fnumprint: Print a number in ‘appropriate’ format
- comma: Formats a number by inserting commas
- fancynum: Typeset numbers
- numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
- modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
- nbaseprt: Print numbers in non-decimal bases
- numname: Convert a number to its English expression
- romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
- ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
- zahl2string: Format numbers as German words
- sepnum: Print numbers in a "friendly" format
- ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode
- numnameru: Converts a number to the russian spelled out name
- padcount: Pad numbers with arbitrary characters
- ncccomma: Use comma as decimal separator in mathematics
- alphalph: Convert numbers to letters
- uniquecounter: Provides unlimited unique counter
- circledsteps: Typeset circled numbers
- telprint: Format German phone numbers
- fmtcount: Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
- romanbar: Write roman number with "bars"
- romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
- context-cyrillicnumbers: Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs
- dectab: Align columns on a decimal point
- format: Format a counter as a fixed-point number