Suggestions for autotype
The following packages have something in common with the package autotype. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- showhyphenation: Marking of hyphenation points
- showhyphens: Show all possible hyphenations in LuaLaTeX
- luahyphenrules: Loading patterns in LuaLaTeX with language.dat
- typewriter: Typeset with a randomly variable monospace font
- nodepthtext: Change small texts to remove the depth of the letters
- emojicite: Add emojis to citations
- ligtype: Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
- luabidi: Bidi functions for LuaTeX
- selnolig: Selectively disable typographic ligatures
- addliga: Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
- lua-check-hyphen: Mark hyphenations in a document, for checking
- hmtrump: Describe card games
- pyluatex: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- responsive: Responsive design methods for LaTeX
- chickenize: Use lua callbacks for “interesting” textual effects
- luacode: Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
- luaoptions: Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
- ideavault: Idea (concept) management package
- dehyph: German hyphenation patterns for traditional orthography
- lualatex-math: Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- linebreaker: Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
- emoji: Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
- lua-ul: Underlining for LuaLaTeX
- piton: Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX
- fix2col: Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
- ifoddpage: Determine if the current page is odd or even
- embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
- passopt: Passing options to packages or classes
- luamathalign: More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- combofont: Add NFSS-declarations of combo fonts to LuaLaTeX documents
- tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures