Suggestions for arimo
The following packages have something in common with the package arimo. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
- gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
- ysabeau: Ysabeau fonts with LaTeX support for traditional TeX engines
- andika: andika fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
- cyrillic-modern: Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- quattrocento: Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- merriweather: Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
- clearsans: Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- poiretone: PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
- gentium-tug: Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
- cmsrb: Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian
- overlock: Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
- carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
- lato: Lato font family and LaTeX support
- opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
- cm-unicode: Computer Modern Unicode font family
- notocondensed: Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts
- noto: Support for Noto fonts
- droid: LaTeX support for the Droid font families
- lexend: The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX through fontspec
- cuprum: Cuprum font family support for LaTeX
- cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
- cmcyralt-fonts: Russian fonts in "alternative" encoding
- glonti: Virtual fonts for T2A-encoded fonts
- gentium-otf: Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus
- gentium-sil: A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too
- charissil: CharisSIL fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
- gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
- marcellus: Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
- crimsonpro: CrimsonPro fonts with LaTeX support