Suggestions for ae
The following packages have something in common with the package ae. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- zefonts: Virtual fonts to provide T1 encoding from existing fonts
- aecc: Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts
- variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts
- tinos: Tinos fonts with LaTeX support
- gillcm: Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
- eco: Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
- uppunctlm: Always keep upright shape for some punctuation marks and Arabic numerals
- cmolddig: Virtual fount setup for using old style digits
- ptmsc: Addon to the newtx package
- minion2newtx: Enable use of Minion Pro with newtx
- aeguill: Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
- dco: Use the DC fonts with old-style numerals
- fouriernc: Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
- hfoldsty: Old style numerals with EC fonts
- eulervm: Euler virtual math fonts
- pxtxalfa: Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
- anttvf: Virtual fonts for PostScript Antykwa ToruĊska font
- aifont: Remap Computer Modern fonts
- cmslup: Upright punctuation with CM slanted
- dmfonts: Virtual fonts to provide T1 encoding
- mdputu: Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic
- vslitex: Virtual invisible fonts for use with LaTeX Slides class
- corelpak-contrib: Manage Corel-distributed fonts
- vf-knuth: Knuth on virtual fonts
- blacklettert1: T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
- cmcyralt-fonts: Russian fonts in "alternative" encoding
- cmtiup: Upright punctuation with CM italic
- glonti: Virtual fonts for T2A-encoded fonts
- ebgaramond-maths: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
- induni-om: Omega fonts for characters used in study of Sanskrit
- ecc: Sources for the European Concrete fonts