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Announcements for oberdiek

oberdiek – A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek

The bundle comprises packages to provide:

  • aliascnt: ‘alias counters’;
  • bmpsize: get bitmap size and resolution data;
  • centernot: a horizontally-centred \not symbol;
  • chemarr: extensible chemists’ reaction arrows;
  • classlist: record information about document class(es) used;
  • colonequals: poor man’s mathematical relation symbols;
  • dvipscol: dvips colour stack management;
  • engord: define counter-printing operations producing English ordinals;
  • eolgrab: collect arguments delimited by end of line;
  • flags: setting and clearing flags in bit fields and converting the bit field into a decimal number;
  • holtxdoc: extra documentation macros;
  • hypbmsec: bookmarks in sectioning commands;
  • hypgotoe: experimental package for links to embedded files;
  • hyphsubst: substitute hyphenation patterns;
  • ifdraft: switch for option draft;
  • iflang: provides expandable checks for the current language;
  • pdfcolparallel: fixes colour problems in package parallel;
  • pdfcolparcolumns: fixes colour problems in package parcolumns;
  • pdfcrypt: setting PDF encryption;
  • protecteddef: define a command that protected against expansion;
  • resizegather: automatically resize overly large equations;
  • rotchiffre: performs simple rotation cyphers;
  • scrindex: redefines environment ‘theindex’ of package ‘index’, if a class from KOMA-Script is loaded;
  • setouterhbox: set \hbox in outer horizontal mode;
  • settobox: getting box sizes;
  • stackrel: extensions of the \stackrel command;
  • stampinclude: selects the files for \include by inspecting the timestamp of the .aux file(s);
  • tabularht: tabulars with height specification;
  • tabularkv: key value interface for tabular parameters;
  • thepdfnumber: canonical numbers for use in PDF files and elsewhere;
  • twoopt: commands with two optional arguments;

Each of the packages is represented by two files, a .dtx (documented source) and a PDF file; the .ins file necessary for installation is extracted by running the .dtx file with Plain .

Version 2024-07-26
Copyright2007, 2009–2011 Heiko Oberdiek
2016–2024 Oberdiek Package Support Group
MaintainerHeiko Oberdiek

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