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CTAN Update: KOMA-Script

Date: December 27, 2013 8:07:03 AM CET
Markus Kohm submitted an update to the KOMA-Script package. Version: 3.12 License type: lppl Summary description: A bundle of versatile classes and packages Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
This is the Christmas 2013 distribution of KOMA-Script. Beside some bugfixes, there are several new features and even three new packages. See change log in scrguien.pdf or Änderungsliste in scrguide.pdf for information about all new features. For a short description of most of the new features in German see http://www.komascript.de/node/1625. Here are only some keywords: - Optionally generate a cover title page instead of a normal first titlepage. - New font elements titlehead, author, date, publishers, dedication. - New option bibliography=leveldown. - New options toc=numberline, toc=nonumberline, listof=numberline, listof=nonumberline. - New commands \ifstrstart, \ifisdim, \ifisskip, \ifiscount, \ifisdimerps, \ifisglueexpr, \ifisnumexpr, \ifiscounter. - \defcaptionname, \newcaptionname, \renewcaptionname, \providecaptionsname may be used with a list of languages. - New commands \usefontofkomafont, \usesizeofkomafont, \usecodingofkomafont, \useseriesofkomafont, \useshapeofkomafont. - New command \UnPreventPackageFromLoading, \UnReplaceFile, \UnReplacePackage, \UnReplaceClass. - Extended \PreventPackageFromLoading. - New option symbolicnames (scrlttr2 only). - New variable frommobilephone (scrlttr2 only). The new packages are: scrlayer - defining layers and controlling page headers and footers scrlayer-scrpage - controlling page headers and footers scrlayer-notecolumn - control note columns parallel to the main text Note, that scrlayer-scrpage is designed to replace scrpage2.
Users may view the package catalogue entry at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/koma-script or they may browse the package directory at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese

koma-script – A bundle of versatile classes and packages

The KOMA-Script bundle provides replacements for the article, report, and book classes with emphasis on typography and versatility. There is also a letter class.

The bundle also offers:

  • a package for calculating type areas in the way laid down by the typographer Jan Tschichold,
  • packages for easily changing and defining page styles,
  • a package scrdate for getting not only the current date but also the name of the day, and
  • a package scrtime for getting the current time.

All these packages may be used not only with KOMA-Script classes but also with the standard classes.

Since every package has its own version number, the version number quoted only refers to the version of scrbook, scrreprt, scrartcl, scrlttr2 and typearea (which are the main parts of the bundle).

Version3.42 2024-10-15
Copyright1994–2024 Markus Kohm
MaintainerMarkus Kohm



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