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CTAN update: zref-clever

Date: June 15, 2023 8:36:30 PM CEST
Gustavo Barros submitted an update to the zref-clever package. Version: 0.4.0 2023-06-14 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref Announcement text:
### Added - `labelhook` option, controlling whether to set a `\zlabel` alongside a standard `\label`. This option uses the kernel's new `label` hook, which significantly improves and simplifies the task of setting a `\zlabel` in places where this is not directly supported. The option is enabled by default, and strongly recommended. It is not expected that this change will bring backward compatibility problems, `\zlabel`s continue to work just as before, and the places where a `\label` is required will also continue to work the same way. The only case I see where you might need to adjust existing documents is if you already had both `\label`s and `\zlabel`s with the same names, in which case now you'll have a duplicate `zlabel` and will indeed have to correct it. Also, you may be interested in taking a look at the "`\label` or `\zlabel`?" section of the User manual, since the option opens the possibility of a different approach in label setting in your documents. ### Changed - Given the new `labelhook` option and the fact that it requires both the new `label` hook and the new hooks with options released in the latest LaTeX kernel, the kernel version required by `zref-clever` has been bumped to 2023-06-01. ### Removed - Given the new `labelhook` option, the parts of compatibility modules which provided for setting `\zlabel`s with `\label` in places where the former is not supported have been removed. These would conflict with the new option, and the use of the `label` hook for this purpose renders them unnecessary and is superior in every aspect. Namely, the compatibility modules changed in this fashion are: `amsmath`, `memoir`, and `listings`.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/zref-clever The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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zref-clever – Clever cross-references based on zref

This package provides a user interface for making cross-references which automates some of their typical features, thus easing their input in the document and improving the consistency of typeset results. A reference made with \zcref includes a “name” according to its “type”, and lists of multiple labels can be automatically sorted and compressed into ranges when due. The reference format is highly and easily customizable, both globally and locally. The package is based on zref’s extensible referencing system.

Version0.4.7 2024-09-30
Copyright2021–2024 gusbrs



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