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CTAN update: biblatex-oxref

Date: February 19, 2019 3:33:35 PM CET
Alex Ball submitted an update to the biblatex-oxref package. Version number: 1.0 2019-02-15 License type: lppl1.3c Summary description: BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style Announcement text:
As the styles are now in use without serious complaint, I am taking them out of beta and declaring this version 1.0. - A new convenience field, `casenumber', has been introduced to simplify use of the `number' and `userb' fields for European cases, for those not needing oscola compatibility. - Internally the styles now treat the oscola fields `parreporter', `parseries', `parvolume' and `parpages' as fully defined fields in their own right, instead of as aliases for `userb', `userc', etc. - The routine for compressing years (e.g. 2018-9) has been improved. - Internals have been updated for biblatex 3.12 (and xparse 2018-04-30). - Fixed an edge case that would trigger the printing of empty parentheses in reports. - Fixed a bug where redundant disambiguation markers would be printed in oxalph references if using non-default date merging options. - Fixed small bugs that biblatex was working around dynamically.
The package's Catalogue entry can be viewed at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-oxref The package's files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-oxref
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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biblatex-oxref – Bib styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style

This bundle provides four Bib styles that implement (many of) the stipulations and examples provided by the 2014 New Hart’s Rules and the 2002 Oxford Guide to Style:

  • ‘oxnotes’ is a style similar to the standard ‘verbose’, intended for use with footnotes;
  • ‘oxnum’ is a style similar to the standard ‘numeric’, intended for use with numeric in-text citations;
  • ‘oxalph’ is a style similar to the standard ‘alphabetic’, intended for use with alphabetic in-text citations;
  • ‘oxyear’ is a style similar to the standard ‘author-year’, intended for use with parenthetical in-text citations.

The bundle provides support for a wide variety of content types, including manuscripts, audiovisual resources, social media and legal references.

Version3.3 2024-08-26
Copyright2016–2023 Alex Ball
MaintainerAlex Ball



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