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New on CTAN: pwebmac

Date: May 26, 2020 8:08:56 PM CEST
Andreas Scherer submitted the pwebmac package. Version: 4.5 License: mit Summary description: Consolidated WEB macros for DVI and PDF output Announcement text:
The 'pwebmac' package provides the consolidated macro file 'pwebmac.tex' that draws material from 'webmac.tex', 'pdfwebmac.tex', 'xewebmac.tex', and 'cwebmac.tex'. It is intended for Pascal/WEB programmers who want to format their software in DVI and PDF. The macros were initially created for the production of PDF documents of all major WEB programs of "TeX and friends" distributed in "TeX Live", but it should be useful in a more general way. The shell script 'makeall' is used as test driver for all combinations of sub-macros and "TeX engines" and as production tool for said collection of PDF documents (invoked as './makeall --new --pdftocfront --tex=pdftex').
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/pwebmac The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/web/pwebmac/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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pwebmac – Consolidated WEB macros for DVI and PDF output

The original WEB system by Donald Knuth has the macros webmac.tex that produce DVI output only; for historic reasons, it will never be modified (apart from catastrophic errors). Hàn Thế Thành has modified these macros in his pdfwebmac.tex for PDF output (only) with pdf. Jonathan Kew’s has similar macros xewebmac.tex by Khaled Hosny that modify webmac.tex for PDF output; these macros can only be used with a specific “ engine” each.

The present pwebmac package integrates these three WEB macro files similar to cwebmac.tex in Silvio Levy’s and Don Knuth’s CWEB system, so pwebmac.tex can be used with “plain ”, pdf, and alike.

Its initial application is the production of PDF files for all major WEB programs for “ and friends” as distributed in Live. For this purpose, the shell script makeall was whipped together; it provides various commandline options and works around several “quirks” in the WEB sources.

WEB programmers who want to use pwebmac.tex instead of the default webmac.tex in their programs have to change the first line in the file created by weave. From there, all depends on the “ engine” you use.

Version5.0 2024-08-12
MaintainerAndreas Scherer



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