CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN upload – preview-latex-0.7.7.tar.gz

Date: December 18, 2002 10:27:36 AM CET
----- Forwarded message from David Kastrup ----- I have uploaded preview-latex-0.7.7.tar.gz and preview-0.7.7.tar.gz to the incoming directory of ftp.dante.de. Its license is the GPL. I would recommend installing it in the following way: Put the packed archive preview-latex-0.7.7.tar.gz under support/preview-latex/ and unpack the README from it to support/preview-latex/README Create a symbolic link from support/preview-latex/preview-latex.tar.gz to preview-latex-0.7.7.tar.gz so that people can always get the newest version under this name. Unpack preview-0.7.7.tar.gz in the directory macros/latex/contrib/supported/preview/ It contains just README-preview, preview.dtx and preview.ins. The reason is that the preview.dtx file can also be used as a standalone LaTeX style for extracting selected elements from a LaTeX source into separate pages of a DVI file. Previous versions of preview-latex can be deleted. Here are the release notes: Release notes for version 0.7.7 of the preview-latex package: preview-latex dresses up your LaTeX source by placing judiciously selected chunks (such as single formulas) chopped from unwieldy preview pages right into its Emacs/XEmacs buffer, while keeping the original source readily accessible. You get to have your eye candy and edit it, too. Since only the display of the text is affected, you can safely test-drive on important documents right away. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms to be feared if you chose to quit using it, but you'll find yourself unable to do so. The employed style file preview.sty is independently useful for extraction of selected text elements as images. The package is released under the GNU Public License (GPL). At the current point of time, at least GNU Emacs-21.1 under the X window system, AUC TeX (11.14 recommended, see below), a working LaTeX installation and GhostScript are required. This version also supports XEmacs-21, best in version 21.4.9 or later. The various Windows ports of XEmacs should work out of the box. Really. Recent CVS versions of Windows GNU Emacs can reportedly be made to work, too. Release 0.7.7 is 0.7.6 minus a last-minute bug for GNU Emacs, so 0.7.6 info applies: AFPL GhostScript releases 7.x should work. Treatment of multi-directory projects has been corrected, once yo upgrade to AUC TeX 11.14. An added feature can be customized into the new preview-required-option-list variable: checking the counters option will retain correct equation and section numbering even when you are regenerating single previews. Various bugs have been fixed and the installation process does a better job of getting things to work particularly for Windows users. The README file provides adequate information for firing up preinstalled distributions, and pointers how to provide feedback. The INSTALL file contains a special section with advice for package providers. The home page is <URL:http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net>, the SourceForge project page that among others offers anonymous CVS access is located at <URL:http://sourceforge.net/projects/preview-latex>. If you can spare the time, you can also comment on or rate this project at <URL:http://freshmeat.net/projects/preview-latex>. Additional files can be found at <URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/preview-latex>: * If you don't have texinfo 4.0 or later installed, prebuilt documentation files can be found there. * Tarballs of preview-latex for all users, alternatively RPMs for RedHat Linux. For the binary RPMs, you will need the preview-latex-common RPM as well as the Emacs-flavor specific RPM. * AUC TeX is now located at <URL:http://www.nongnu.org/auctex>. The download area should also provide you with RPMs if you are using RedHat Linux. The RPMs require a few packages that should be readily available in current distributions. RedHat 7.3 contains Emacs-21.2 and GhostScript-6.52 which are about the minimum versions to be recommended. Later releases should work fine. XEmacs in current distributions will still be affected with a serious display bug, see the PROBLEMS file or the respective manual section. ----- End forwarded message ----- Thanks for the upload. I installed the new version as suggested replacing the old versions in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/preview/ CTAN:/tex-archive/support/preview-latex/ Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team

preview – Extract bits of a source for output

The package is a free-standing part of the preview-latex bundle. The package provides the support preview-latex needs, when it chooses the matter it will preview. The output may reasonably be expected to have other uses, as in html translators, etc.

Copyright2001–2006, 2010, 2017–2024 Free Software Foundation
MaintainerThe AUC Team
David Kastrup (inactive)



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