CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN submission – preview-latex-

Date: November 13, 2001 9:32:18 AM CET
----- Forwarded message from David Kastrup ----- I have uploaded preview-latex- to the incoming directory of ftp.dante.de. Its license is the GPL, and I would recommend to install it in the following way: Put the packed archive under support/preview-latex/ but unpack the README to support/preview-latex and README-preview and preview.dtx to macros/latex/contrib/supported/preview/ The reason is that the preview.dtx file can also be used as a standalone LaTeX style for extracting selected elements from a LaTeX source into separate pages of a DVI file. Here are the release notes: Release notes for version of the preview-latex package: preview-latex is a system for displaying inline images of selected parts of a file in Emacs source buffers. It is released under the GNU Public License (GPL). At the current point of time, GNU Emacs-21.1, Auc-TeX, a working LaTeX installation and GhostScript are required. XEmacs support is not yet operative, and contributions would be welcome. Due to missing image support of Emacs-21.1 under Microsoft Windows, this platform is not usable at the current point of time, either. Release focus are mostly user interface improvements. Notable are changes in the build process, changes in cursor display handling, preservation of indentation of previews, improvements in process handling, better configurability. User feedback about errors and suggested feature improvements is welcome and heeded. The home page is <URL:http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net>, the SourceForge project page that among others offers anonymous CVS access is located at <URL:http://sourceforge.net/projects/preview-latex>. ----- End forwarded message ----- Thanks for the submission. I installed the the new version in CTAN:/tex-archive/support/preview-latex/ replacing the old one and installed the preview LaTeX package in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/preview/ Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team

preview – Extract bits of a source for output

The package is a free-standing part of the preview-latex bundle. The package provides the support preview-latex needs, when it chooses the matter it will preview. The output may reasonably be expected to have other uses, as in html translators, etc.

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MaintainerThe AUC Team
David Kastrup (inactive)



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