CTAN submission – bibunits 2.4
Date: May 13, 2004 4:24:46 PM CEST
----- Forwarded message from Thorsten Hansen -----
I have just uploaded version 2.4 of bibunits.
-- uploaded file: bibunits-v2.4.tar.gz
-- uploaded to CTAN node: dante.ctan.org (ftp.dante.de)
-- recommended place: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/bibunits
-- licensing condition: LPPL
-- brief summary: multiple bibliographies in one document
Changes to version 2.3 include
. proper inclusion of the license conditions (LPPL 1.3)
in all relevant files
It would be fine if you can sent a short note to comp.text.tex when
the new style has been installed.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the previous
version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/bibunits
However, I renamed the 00Readme file to README as this will be shown
by web browsers and ran bibunits.dtx through pdflatex to produce
readymade documentation.
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team
bibunits – Multiple bibliographies in one document
The package provide a mechanism to generate separate bibliographies for different units (chapters, sections or bibunit-environments) of a text. The package separates the citations of each unit of text into a separate file to be processed by BibTeX. The global bibliography section produced by LaTeX may also appear in the document and citations can be placed in both the local unit and the global bibliographies at the same time.
The package is compatible with koma-script and with the babel French option frenchb.
Package | bibunits |
Version | 2.2 |
Maintainer | José Alberto Fernández Thorsten Hansen |